The New York Yankees potentially have big problems ahead. They already have seven staff members, and potentially Glyber Torres infected with Covid 19. And tonight, they all have to board a plane for Baltimore, where there will be no social distancing. It would seem obvious that some staff will have to remain in Tampa.
The New York Yankee players took a vote as to whether they should play or not on Tuesday night. They voted to play, and the Yankees won the game 3-1. Last night there was no vote; they played and shut out the Rays. Tonight with this situation getting worse, it could be a different story. Much depends on whether the questionable results from shortstop Glebyer Torres and if they come back as positive.
Regardless of the results or if they play the game tonight, it has to be concerning that they will have to be in close quarters on the Delta charter to Baltimore tonight. They will be held up in the plane’s cabin for a little over two hours.
What is most concerning is what we don’t know. What’s really going on, and what is causing these infections to spread so quickly among staff that has all been vaccinated, that should be approximately 94% protected from the virus.
The concern among the team is at various levels. In preparation for him taking the mound tonight, Jameson Taillon choose not to use the training room to do his workouts. Instead, he did his workouts far out in the right field while being masked.
Although this is unclear, this became a problem late Sunday and Monday. If anyone tested positive up to that point, it is unknown, but apparently, everyone was allowed to board the plane for the three-plus hour flight to Tampa, Florida. Tuesday morning, 3rd base coach Phil Nevins’s positive test became known. Within hours there were more positive tests, and as of this morning, that has increased to seven, including 1st base coach Reggie Willits, 3rd base coach Phil Nevin, and pitching coach Matt Blake and 4 other unnamed support staff.
If Gleyber Torres comes back positive, he would be the first player to contract the virus while in Tampa, which opens up a whole can of worms on whether the Yankees play tonight or not and how they will go forward. MLB may have something to say about that as well.
Stay with EmpireSportsMedia.com as this story develops.