While losing Odell Beckham Jr.’s talent will certainly hurt the New York Giants‘ offense, his immaturity surely won’t be missed. On Thursday afternoon Beckham fired back after Colin Cowherd ran through a list of the star wideout’s biggest moments throughout his career.
New York Giants: The past never stays in the past with OBJ
To no surprise, a majority of them weren’t involved with the actual game, but rather the antics he put forth outside of it. Ranging from the kicking net to the odd substance in Paris as he lounged with a model. The spotlight seems to always feature Beckham no matter where he goes, and contrary to popular belief, it has followed him to the Cleveland Browns.
I, for one, am not surprised to see him immaturely taking shots at Cowherd, as this is an all too familiar scene, however, it’s a testament to his lack of self-control. Some might take the sympathetic route and state he should stick up from himself and his brand. Maybe so, but the reality is fueling the fire with child-like responses does not warrant sympathy, but rather more criticism.
This is one part of OBJ that I do not miss. The Giants’ media has been quiet as of late – outside of Corey Ballentine being shot, nothing major has blanketed the screens for days on end. To be quite honest, I was getting tired of seeing Beckham’s name plastered on every channel the moment he stepped on a field. It was always spun into a negative story, and that’s where his frustration is coming from.
But as I’m writing this article it makes me think…he’s doing this to himself. If he stays quiet, myself and countless others don’t write this story, once again reminding fans of the league of his unfortunate past. So for those that feel sympathy, don’t, because maturity notices that the media lives off of his mistakes.