New York Giants: Michael Strahan impressed by Daniel Jones’ athleticism

New York Giants, Daniel Jones

It’s hard to see an interview with a former New York Giants player this offseason that doesn’t bring up the question of Daniel Jones. Of course, it’s understandable why. Jones might be the most important variable for the Giants this year when it comes to taking a step forward. The success, or failure, of the offense may rest largely on his shoulders.

More than there was last season, there’s a bit of an optimistic feeling about Jones from many of the figures that have been asked about him. That includes Hall of Fame pass rusher Michael Strahan, who confirmed his belief in Daniel Jones as “that guy” for the Giants in an interview with USA Today.

“You know what? I love Daniel. As a person, absolutely. I think he has the perfect temperament, perfect everything for the position as a Giant. Physically? I’ll be honest with you, what an incredible athlete,” Strahan said when asked whether Jones could be the guy for the Giants.

The compliment about Jones’ physique is impressive coming from a player that spent his career at one of the most physical positions in the game. It’s not the kind of remark that’s often associated with Giants quarterbacks – but that’s changed with Jones coming in during the past two seasons and adding another dimension to the offense with his mobility.

“I think he could be that guy. He is the guy. Now I think you’re giving him what he needs, and I think Jason Garrett is going to do the right job setting himself up in this system so he could be successful and lead the drive to a Super Bowl, which I’m hoping is very soon,” Strahan would continue.

Giving Daniel Jones what he needs

As Strahan pointed out, the Giants have made plenty of additions to help Jones this offseason. From Kenny Golladay to Kyle Rudolph, Jones will have a number of new options and the passing offense won’t look like it did last year.

However, an interesting thing to note is Strahan bringing up Jason Garrett. Garrett was much maligned this season but it’s possible that he isn’t being talked about enough this offseason. Most of the focus has gone on Daniel Jones and Saquon Barkley for understandable reasons, but Garrett has a large role in whether those players succeed or fail.

For both players, a personal step forward might not matter that much if the Giants still run an uncreative offense and fail to take advantage of their full talent.

We’ll find out soon enough this season whether or not Garrett has adapted enough to avoid that pitfall, with his job potentially on the line right now. The Giants are trying their best to give Jones what he needs, but one thing that can’t be understated on that list of needs is better playcalling than last season.

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