New York Knicks: Can Kevin Durant handle the harsh New York media?

Brooklyn Nets, Kevin Durant

New York Knicks free agent target, Kevin Durant, is no stranger to the media. Durant has always been engaged with the media whether it be fans or talking heads, it’s how he responded that makes him a potential liability in a harsh New York market.

His most recent beef was with Chris Broussard over his comments on, The Herd.  The engagement was essentially over Durant being bothered with the Warriors winning without him.

Durant appears sensitive when it comes to ‘friends’ or anyone making comments that he does not agree with.  He will clap back.  Does it seem petty?  Yes, but he has a right to do so.

However, after all of his comments, alleged burner accounts and sensitivity to criticism, will he be able to handle the New York media?

New York is a different animal when it comes to sports. The media in the Big Apple does not hold back and are very upfront with their disgust when it comes to their teams. They’re brutally honest, 24/7, 365 days per year.

The Daily News’ Stefan Bondy reported that Durant knows what he is getting himself into. But, does he really?  Durant has had his fair share of criticism in Oklahoma City and especially in Golden State, but nothing close to New York.

Fans have seen numerous players crumble because they can not handle the attention and expectations that come with playing in New York.

Durant better be ready for what he is going to get himself into if he signs with the Knicks.  All the attention and criticism will be 1000x in New York.  However, if he is able to handle the media and perform then he will quickly win over the entire city.

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