Knicks’ Tom Thibodeau oozing with excitement entering new season

Tom Thibodeau, New York Knicks

With three seasons in the Big Apple under his belt, New York Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau has altered the culture of his team. After winning Coach of the Year in his first season as head coach, the emphasis on a defensive-minded young core buying in together has led to a continuity in the Eastern Conference that no other team possesses.

Now entering his fourth season as head coach, Thibodeau is oozing with excitement as he looks to bring New York back to the postseason.

Tom Thibodeau associate shares the coach’s excitement

A longtime associate of Thibodeau recently shared some insight into the coach’s mindset, stating, “I’ve never heard him more excited about being able to work with the group he’s got with the Knicks this year.”

The Knicks are building continuity this season

The NBA is a business, and to have the winning organization the Knicks possess, there must be a level of continuity. The top teams in the East do not have this luxury. Huge trades from the Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics have mitigated New York to an afterthought in the national and social media. Yet, a clean slate approach persists by the Knicks.

Thibodeau recently stated, “Last year has nothing to do with this year. We have to start all over again, we have to build a base, and we have to put the work into each and every day.”

With the addition of Jalen Brunson before last season, New York’s goal was getting him adjusted and to a level of comfort. Brunson’s confidence became evident, especially in last year’s playoffs.

Can these players make a big impact?

Approaching this upcoming season without speaking of a definite first option, Coach Thibodeau leaves the door open for RJ Barrett to take the lead, and for a new addition like Donte DiVincenzo to make their marks.

The most important underlying aspect of this all is the recovery and capabilities of Julius Randle. Following ankle surgery, this offseason Randle is good to go, but to avoid any burnout from Randle means other players must step up from the start of the season to allow Randle a slower approach to his regular season averages. 

Expectations for the upcoming season

The expectation of New York this season is to run their offense by a committee.

“We have to do this together, we can’t do this individually,” Thibodeau said.

No one man is on the team to be the guy. The Knicks have tried that, and the results were a backlash against Randle as he played injured last year’s playoffs. Embracing the current climate of the NBA, doing nothing too hasty is the wave the New York Knicks are riding.

Having the best guard rotation in the league, one that sees the likes of Josh Hart playing at power forward when need be, New York can be even better this season. Now in his 13th season as head coach, Tom Thibodeau looks forward to what the Knicks will have to show representing New York City.

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