Boxing Recap: Jake Paul defeats Nate Diaz in an entertaining scrap

Tonight we saw the grudge match that boxing and MMA fans have been waiting for. Social media star turned boxer Jake Paul (6-1) was back in the ring as he took on MMA legend and superstar Nate Diaz (21-13 MMA).

Diaz fought out his UFC contract last year and that opened the door to this matchup. Diaz started his own promotion and linked up with Jake Paul to make this fight happen. However, the fight lost a little steam earlier this year.

After starting his career 6-0, Jake Paul took on Tommy Fury earlier this year. Fury outboxed Paul over the course of eight rounds and defeated him by decision. Paul was looking to bounce back and regain some of that shine that he lost with a big win over Diaz who was making his boxing debut.

Boxing Recap

Round 1

The bell sounds and this boxing match is underway. Paul takes the center and here we go. Diaz feeling his way in behind the jab early. Sharp right to the body from Paul. Diaz is already talking and circling on the outside. Wild right hand from Paul misses the mark. Sharp jab from Paul lands.

Another wild right misses from Paul but then he lands a huge left and Diaz is hurt. Huge combinations from Jake Paul and Diaz is looking wobbly here. Jake Paul is all over Nate Diaz here and Diaz is badly hurt. Vicious combinations from Paul and the referee is looking jumpy.

The pace slows and Diaz has been rocked badly by Jake Paul multiple times here in the first round. Diaz now landing some pawing shots and the ten second bell sounds. Diaz survives, but it’s 1-0 Paul after one.

Round 2

Entering the second and it’s all Jake Paul after one in this boxing match. Diaz looks to close the distance and Paul throws a big right that just misses. Nice combination lands for Paul. Jab from Diaz and he looks for his left hand. Sharp right hand for Paul and now a right hand from Diaz. Lots of clinching in the second.

Diaz is having much more success in tight here in the second round. Left hand now from Diaz lands. Sharp jab from Jake Paul lands. Combination now from Paul and he finishes with a big right. Big right from Paul but Diaz lands a left and smiles. 30 seconds left and Paul is making this a dog fight. Body shots from Paul and now a combination from Diaz. The round ends and Diaz’s boxing looked much better there in the second.

Round 3

Entering the third and Diaz goes right back on the pressure. Uppercut from Jake Paul and now another right hand. Diaz is making this dirty. Short shots from Diaz and Paul throws a big left over the top. Short right from Diaz and a big left from Paul. Looping left hand lands for Paul and now Diaz lands a straight left.

Uppercut from Paul. Diaz is really upping the pressure here. Shot to the body and a nice shot up top as well. Here comes Diaz and the crowd is getting loud. Right hand from Jake Paul lands and now a looping left hand. Right hand from Paul. Shovel uppercut from Diaz. Short combinations from Diaz now. The round ends and it’s likely 3-0 Jake Paul but this boxing match could change as these rounds go on.

Round 4

Entering the fourth and Jake Paul takes the center. Short uppercut and a combination from Paul. Big left from Paul and Diaz shakes his head. Combination now from Diaz. Short left now from Diaz. Jab from Paul now. Big right from Paul and a combination from Nate Diaz.

Diaz is upping the pressure here and lands a nice uppercut. Jake Paul is landing but now Diaz is walking him down even more. Diaz’s shots are picking up steam in terms of their power. Short uppercut from Jake Paul lands. Paul is breathing heavy and Diaz is really turning on the pressure.

Combination from Diaz. Big left hand from Diaz and Paul is looking tired. The round ends and that’s likely a Diaz round and this boxing match just got a whole lot more interesting.

Round 5

Entering the fifth and Diaz is starting to turn the tide here. Paul opens with a combination and a stinging jab behind it. Wild miss from Paul and then an uppercut. Diaz steps forward with a combination. Diaz looks like he’s taking the round off early as he’s not throwing much. Right hand now from Diaz.

Hook from Jake Paul lands. Check hook from Paul and Diaz goes down. Huge knockdown rom Jake Paul. Diaz is hurt badly here and Paul is stepping on the gas. However, he needs to be careful here. Diaz is seemingly recovered and Paul’s pace slows. Short uppercut now from Diaz and a combination lands. Triple jab from Diaz now. Paul looks dejected. The round ends and it’s a dominant one from Jake Paul.

Round 6

Entering the sixth of this boxing match and it still just feels like a Diaz storm is coming. The sixth round starts and Paul splits the guard of Diaz. Paul still fighting like he has Diaz hurt. Big combinations from Jake Paul but Diaz is just eating these shots. Combination now from Nate Diaz.

90 seconds left in the round and Diaz is holding the center. Combination now from Diaz. He has Paul up against the ropes and lots of volume coming from Diaz. Now Paul has Diaz against the ropes and lands a left hand. Big body shots now from Jake Paul. Right hand now from Diaz lands.

Big combination now from Diaz. They clinch with ten seconds left in the round. The round ends and it’s another in the books for Jake Paul.

Round 7

Four rounds to go in this boxing matchup and Nate Diaz really needs to get going. Diaz moves forward with his hands up high to start the seventh. Right hand splits the guard for Paul. Jab now from Paul. Diaz lands a combination. Big right to the body lands for Jake Paul. Short shots for Diaz as they clinch.

Big right straight now from Jake Paul. Both men step in and land combinations. Left hand from Diaz. Right hand from Diaz now and he’s chasing Paul. Double jab for Paul as he circles out. Both men just trading shots in the pocket. Paul is throwing and Diaz is just moving right through the shots. Uppercut from Paul and a combination from Diaz.

The round comes to an end and I think Diaz might’ve taken that round.

Round 8

The final three rounds of this boxing matchup might just be about survival for Jake Paul. Diaz steps forward and wings a wild left hand that misses. Right hand from Paul as he steps in. Diaz is just plotting forward but nothing much is landing here. Paul is just throwing shots from the outside.

Short combination lands for Diaz. Straight left from Diaz and now a right hand. 90 seconds left and a combination lands from Paul. Right hand from Paul lands but Diaz counters with a combination. Big uppercuts now from Diaz and Paul takes a deep breath. Combination from Diaz again and he has Paul against the ropes. The round ends and that was a statement from Diaz.

Round 9

Entering the eighth of this boxing matchup and Jake Paul is looking tired. The ninth round starts and Diaz is right back on the pressure. Paul wings a right hand and Diaz mocks him. Right to the body from Paul and now a combination. Double jab now from Jake Paul and another combination.

Uppercut from Paul and he’s dominating the opening minute of the round. Both men trade big shots. Now here comes Diaz. Double jab from Paul and there’s just over a minute left in the round. Right hand and a left hand now from Diaz. Short uppercut from Diaz and a right hand. Big combination from Diaz. Right hand from Paul. Another combination from Diaz and the round ends.

Round 10

The final round of this boxing match is upon us and Diaz likely needs a finish. The bell sounds and Diaz pushes forward. Right hand from Paul starts the striking and now a left. Paul is throwing a lot early. Jake Paul throwing a lot of combinations here in the opening minute and Nate Diaz is just stalking him here.

Diaz now back into the corner. 90 seconds left in the round and now Diaz lands a combination. Right hand from Jake Paul. Combination from Diaz. Massive combination from Diaz and Paul holds on like his life depends on it. Paul lands a combination and now an uppercut. Here comes Diaz. Ten seconds left and Diaz lands as the final bell sounds. Jake Paul is going to win this boxing matchup but Diaz keeps the fans.

Jake Paul def. Nate Diaz by Unanimous Decision (97-92, 98-91, 98-91)

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