Buffalo Bills offensive tackle Dion Dawkins may call himself “Shnow”, a catchphrase coined by him to stand out from the rest, but he could not be any warmer!
Being kind and making a difference in the lives of others is something Dawkins loves to do. He surprised kids at Grice Middle School and chatted with them. To honor those that serve our country, Dawkins spent the day with over 100 veterans and showed his gratitude and appreciation for their service. When the Thanksgiving holiday rolled around, Dawkins served food along with his teammates, dedicating his time to ensuring that those in need have a hot meal. One cause that he is passionate about is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals which he often visits to spend time with them and help promote adoption.
Often times, you can find him visiting with children and handing out toys and other goodies, at New York’s Oishei Children’s Hospital which focuses on pediatric, neonatal, perinatal, and obstetrical care. One particularly memorable and sweet visit involved Dawkins teaming up with some very special members of the hit movie “Frozen”. The kids were absolutely elated and Dawkins was just as happy to see smiles adorn their precious faces. When the Coronavirus prevented him from visiting patients in person, Dawkins decided to do a virtual visit with Finley a young pediatric patient. Dawkins was thrilled to see the joy on Finley’s face as he opened presents and basked in the joy of the day! Dawkins also sells Shnow merchandise and gear at https://26shirts.com/collections/shnow-gear with proceeds from sales benefiting pediatric cancer.
To promote change so desperately needed, Dawkins penned a beautifully articulated message about how we as a collective whole must fix the wrongs and ills plaguing African Americans brought on by society and then work towards figuring out how we can come together and love and accept one another unconditionally. This message speaks volumes and is something we all MUST enact in our lives. Dawkins is trying to make a positive impact in the world for all!
Dawkins is always “shnow”nating his time and helping others and that is truly commendable. He is a game-changer and uses his platform so wonderfully to work to amend issues and problems bedeviling America! There truly is “shnow”one like Dion Dawkins!