New York Yankees fans are eager to see the season get started on July 23rd in the nation’s capital when Gerrit Cole will face Max Scherzer of the Washington Nationals. Many have missed their favorite players since the season was shut down back in March. They are also interested in how ready those players are for the short season ahead. Below are some highlights of Zoom interviews after Wednesday’s workouts.
Aaron Boone provides some roster updates!
Q. What’s the status of Jonathan Loaisgia and the intake process?
A. He’s here, he completed the intake process and actually threw a bullpen session. He’s been able to do a lot of work at his home in Nicaragua, he’s been in some games there and he should be good to go. We tentatively have him scheduled to go a few innings on Saturday.
Q. Do you know what role Loaisiga will play, as a starter or in the bullpen?
A. I’m excited about him and the contributions he will make to the team and to our pitching staff, in whatever that role will be.
Q. What is the issue with Clint Frazier’s foot pain?
A. Clint has some fasciitis (heel pain) but it really hasn’t held him back, we have, (held him back) in his outfield work. He was sprinting today and getting in his work in the outfield. I don’t expect it will hold him back much, we’re just going easy with him at the start.
Q. Where do you see Miguel Andujar playing most?
A. I don’t know. We’ve been really excited about his work in the corners of the outfield and at third base as well. We haven’t had him at first as much, but he will get some work in there, but we are prioritizing third and the outfield, but we want him to get some work at first base so that we have that option as well.
Q. How are you with Jordan Montgomery, is he ready or does he still have more work to do?
A. No, he’s right in there with everyone else, he’s ramped up and ready to go, he’s starting tomorrow (Thursday) 50-60 pitches something like that. He’s throwing the ball really well.
Q. How is Gerrit Cole today after the game last night?
A. He feels how he hoped to feel, it’s just another step in the progression, you know after throwing 67 pitches last night, it was hot, he had adrenaline and you saw the quality of his pitches.
Q. How do you think Gary Sanchez is doing?
A. He’s caught two games now back to back, 2 innings then 4 innings with Gerrit Cole, I thought he looked really good, they had a pregame plan with Cole, Gary, and Tanner, and I think he looked good. I am confident the bat is going to be there too.
Q. What’s the atmosphere like in the New York Yankee clubhouse?
A. Obviously, it’s different, I try to move through there from time to time and it’s probably not as tight as usual, but guys are at their lockers, laughing and talking. It’s different but in a lot of ways, guys are glad to be here and enjoy their teammates as well.
Chad Green on the offseason and 2020 summer camp.
Q. How were you able to stay sharp during the offseason?
A. Yeah, I was back home in Louisville, Kentucky where I have a home gym, so I was able to do that. As things started to open up I was able to train at some facilities. I got in my throwing in into a net or at local parks, but I was lucky to have a home gym.
Q. What do you see as the challenge in summer camp.
A. Ah just getting back into the routine, you know, getting to pitch with live hitting. It’s not going to be much getting back into a game-ready situation.
Q. When are you going to pitch again?
A. Actually, tomorrow night (Thursday) and after that, I’m not sure.
Q. What do you think of the setup and how things are staggered and such?
A. Chad Green thought it’s definitely been an adjustment, but I think the New York Yankees staff has done a really good job getting us out there in waves and getting our work in. Guys moving in and out of the weight room and off the mound. It’s been pretty smooth so far, and I like having our second spring training back here in New York.
Adam Ottavino talks team-first mentality
Q. Where fo you feel you’re at physically?
A. I feel good, it’s hard to tell where I’m at, but I’ve got some innings in with live hitters, I feel really good I’m just trying to up my intensity a bit.
Q. How do you think it will be without fans in the stands?
A. It’s hard to say, but I’m not worried about it, when you’re in a tight game the situation gives you all the adrenaline you need.
Q. As far as the health manual how hard has that been, like with the no fist bumps.
A. That’s not been that hard, I spit a lot when I pitch, so I’m working on that. I’ve been doing it for years, a nervous thing I guess, so if it happens in a game, we will have to deal with it then. Also the first few times I took a shower there was no communal soap or shampoo.
Q. You hosted Gerrit Cole a few times how did that work out and how did that come about?
A. Well, we live close and he learned I had a mound and that became attractive, when multiple guys can get together that’s good. As far as learning stuff, I watched him very closely (Cole) and we talked a lot about how he holds his pitches and the mentality about that. Obviously, we are very different pitchers, but there is always stuff you can learn to improve your game.
Q. How do you feel it will be with you guys not being able to hang out.
A. It will be different, I haven’t even seen some of the Yankee guys on the 60, I mean were all spaced out on different programs. We can’t sit around at a table and talk, it will be a little different, but I’m sure will find a way to pass the time in a safe way. We’ll find a way because its important to all of us, we just want to maintain that team feeling.
The two most significant things that I learned from those Zoom interviews is that the New York Yankee are keeping all the options open for Miguel Andujar to play in as many games as possible. The other thing that surprised me was that Adam Ottavino stated that the team was using the gang showers in the clubhouse. Originally it was stated that the Yankee players would leave the park and shower at home or in their hotel rooms.