New York Yankees News/Rumors: YES broadcasts, The new Derek Jeter, Big Money team and more

New York Yankees, Aaron Judge

“The Arizona Plan” could start baseball in just over a month!

While we all settle in and practice social distancing, the New York Yankees await a time when baseball can begin anew.  At this point, it looks like it will just a month away if the MLB and Federal Health officials deal comes to fruition.  The games will start in Arizona at the domed Chase Field, home of the Diamondbacks, and at over a dozen area open-air minor league and college facilities. Scheduling for all 30 MLB teams and several logistical problems must be solved before the season can start.

Two situations that can’t be worked out by MLB is the progress of the coronavirus and the environmental problems that will face players that may have to play in temperatures that can approach 120 degrees.  Any games will at the start be in front of empty stands, and players will be forced to follow social distancing guidelines when possible.  It has already been announced that dugouts will not be used in favor of players sitting six feet apart in the stands.

YES Broadcasts “Classics”

Meanwhile, Yankee fans look for all ways to fill the void of not having as baseball season as of yet.  One way game starved fans can satisfy some of their need for baseball is to watch the YES Network.  Here’s a look at the lineup for the weekend and beyond.  Saturday at 7 a.m., the feature will be Dave Righetti’s no-hitter against the Red Sox from 1983. Later Saturday at 1 p.m. The 2001 World Series game 5 against the Diamondbacks.  Sunday at 1 p.m. Yankees vs. the Twins from June 2019, and on Tuesday a Rays game from May of 2019.

The New Derek Jeter?

Many New York Yankee fans regard Aaron Judge as being similar to Derek Jeter both in his zest for play and demeanor.  Like Derek, when Jeter is interviewed, it is about winning and the team, not about him.  Many see him as a future team captain.  On “The Huddle,” an Adidas Instagram Live chat, Judge was asked how it felt to be the new Derek Jeter.  Judge laughed but answered the question in a similar fashion as Jeter would:

“He paved the way for sure,” Judge said. “That’s the thing that I’ve been fortunate to be with the Yankees, the legends we have coming in and out of the building during spring training, during the season, just checking in. The Jeters, the Mariano Riveras, Andy Pettitte, Ron Guidry, all those guys. Reggie Jackson. It’s no joke, man. You feel that presence.”

New York Yankees is most valuable

Forbes magazine has listed its most valuable MLB teams.  The New York Yankees are listed at number one at $5 Billion.  The top five also includes The Los Angeles Dodgers, Boston Red Sox, Chicago Cubs, and the San Francisco Giants for 2020.  The two teams with the most substantial increase in value are the Yankees and the Washington Nationals.  The Houston Astros had the most substantial operating income at $99 million.  Next year’s listing may look very different, as substantially reduced revenues from the shortened season will affect different teams in different ways.

Alex Rodriguez on the Arizona Plan

Former New York Yankee 3rd baseman and present ESPN/FOX baseball analyst warns players to get ready because any practice time many be very short as MLB tries to get in as many games as possible.  Here’s what he had to say:

“Well, I think right now, everything is so fluid,” Rodriguez said Tuesday. “We make plans and God laughs right now. So I think there are no bad ideas. I think, to start thinking as a player, preparing for the earliest time possible is the greatest thing we can do. The worst thing for a player would be, ‘Hey, we think it’s August.’ And then the commissioner says, ‘Hey, we’re opening things up.’ And you have to show up May 15 and you’re not quite ready. So, I think it’d be an adjustment, but I think we would follow suit.”


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