New York Yankees: Little Chance of Harper in Pinstripes – Brian Cashman

So according to Cashman, Harper is out of consideration for the Yankees.

I wonder if I, like many New York Yankee fans on Monday afternoon, discovered via Joel Sherman’s above tweet that Bryce Harper was practically an afterthought to General manager Brian Cashman when asked about him today.

I was struck by Cashman’s “surprise” when there was a report by Yahoo last week that the Yankees were one of the teams sending representatives to Las Vegas to meet with Harper.

Andy Martino of in a December 4th article mostly debunked the rumors that the Yankees were interested in Harper.

Still, as a die-hard fan, I was hopeful that the rumors had some substance to them.  Harper’s talent and and potential are elite and if the Yankees could get his lefty power bat going in Yankee Stadium, the results could be spectacular.

However, even more pointed than what Sherman reports above, is Bryan Hoch of’s tweet:

So according to Cashman, Harper is out of consideration for the Yankees.  Yankee fans may be disappointed but remember, it’s early still and in Cashman we trust.

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