The New York Yankees have been no foreigner to the relief pitching market this offseason, and their latest signing, Danny Farquhar, has one hell of a story to go along with his recruitment.
The former Chicago White Sox pitcher was enjoying what would be a normal day for him on the mound when his head started to throb, giving up several hits and eventually being taken out of the game. He began to feel even more ill, as he limped into the dugout with what he described as “a headache.”
Farquhar then proceeded to throw up and pass out into the arms of trainer Herm Schneider. It seems a bit dramatic, maybe something you’d see in a soccer game, but certainly not baseball.
Why did this happen to the relief pitcher?
Danny suffered a brain aneurysm. The surgery required him to have a portion of his skull removed so they could treat the affected area.
Approximately 40% of people who have this specific ailment die, and the remaining 60% have permanent neurological issues. Luckily for Farquhar, he was left with just a memory lapse.
Medical professionals have indicated that he will be able to return to full health in 2019 and play as if it never happened. Danny was previously throwing his fast-ball 93 MPH, and it’s unseen as to if he can maintain that speed after the scare. Hopefully, he can return to full form and help the Yankees in their quest for No. 28.