On Saturday, I had the opportunity to attend my first ever New York Yankees/Boston Red Sox game, and boy it was something else.
The environment is just so different against the Red Sox compared to every other team. Everyone is so much louder, and of course it starts with the Bleacher Creatures behind the Yankee bullpen, and roll-call.
I was sitting in the second deck in left field, in the front corner of the deck. Andrew Benintendi was playing left, and fans were all over him. He didn’t hear the end of it, as he got constant heckling until he was moved to center field late in the game.
Throughout the game, basically every time a Yankee pitcher threw a strike or a Yankee batter took a ball, Yankee fans erupted. It doesn’t take much for Yankees fans to be pleased if the team is playing well.
One of the highlights of the game that wasn’t actually in the game was a good ol’ drunk fight between a Sox fan and a Yankees fan. No idea how it escalated, but two fans were going at it in the bleachers, almost right next to me. It happened when Chad Green was working out of a jam in the fifth, and the energy picked up big time in left.
Overall, attending this game was a fantastic experience. Was it cheap? Nope. Was the five hour drive from Ithaca, New York in heavy traffic fun, especially getting back at 4:30 AM? Nope. Was it worth it? Oh yeah, 100%. You aren’t a real Yankee fan if this game isn’t on your bucket list. Let’s go Yankees!