I have SO MISSED writing. Connecting with you as an audience and showing my love for the Yankees allows me to express my opinion backed up by stats and intensive research. To cut to the chase, I’m back, baby!
I would have never known that Didi’s real name is Mariekson. Or that he took the name from his Dad because his teammates couldn’t pronounce his real name.
Or that Severino was converted to being a pitcher by his father. And that he threw softballs for two weeks at a young age to increase his pitching velocity which worked.
It’s all about the game and the fans. And I’m happy to be back at it! I’ve so missed sharing, and receiving feedback from all of you.
So here’s to the rest of the season and what this incredibly talented team makes of it. I’m so pleased to be a part of it and now that I’m back, hope you will be with me.