New York Yankees and Mets fans have waited all winter for the return of baseball. But none of them could have foreseen the rise of the coronavirus. And with the actions being taken by the Italian sporting governing bodies in the face of the outbreak, all American sports are in jeopardy in the immediate future.
The Actions Taken in Italy
Amidst the ongoing global outbreak of the coronavirus, the Italian sporting governing bodies have suspended all, repeat, suspended ALL domestic sporting activity until April 3rd. This includes Serie A soccer. So if you’re a fan of Juventus FC, they aren’t playing until April 3rd.
America Takes Notice
Schools are on or nearing, spring break. Schools are now moving toward telling all their students to stay home, and the remainder of the semester will be taught online. Stamford is limiting public attendance at sporting events on campus, which will dramatically impact the NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament. A tennis tournament has been outright canceled over the fear of coronavirus. And sporting games are staring down the prospect of playing games without fans in the stands. Can you imagine seeing NBA Final games with NO ONE in the stands?!
What’s MLB Doing?
Right now, as we continue with Spring Training, the media is being barred from the clubhouse. It’s just players and team personnel. Players are also being told not to shake hands with fans, or used markers/pens for autographs handed to them by fans.
Now, MLB isn’t planning to delay the start of the season, unlike in Japan. But, listening to Golic and Wingo this morning, if a significant coronavirus outbreak occurs in a city where a team is played, baseball may move that team to continue playing games at the team’s spring training facility. So, if the Bronx or Queens sees a major coronavirus outbreak, their seasons may be moved to Port St. Lucie and Tampa respectfully.
More news to come as the situations develops.