Mets’ star pitcher ‘disappointed’ over David Robertson trade

mets, max scherzer

The Mets 2023 has been nothing short of a disappointment. Despite entering the season with the highest payroll in the history of baseball and World Series expectations, the blue and orange are 49-54 and 6.5 games out of the last wild card spot.

With their struggles, the Mets have decided to begin to sell at the trade deadline. Following the Mets’ 2-1 come-from-behind win against the Washington Nationals on Thursday night, the blue and orange sent closer David Robertson to the Miami Marlins in exchange for second baseman Marco Vargas and catcher Ronald Hernandez.

This move has led to disappointment from one of the Mets’ star pitchers.

Max Scherzer is disappointed with the David Robertson trade.

“Disappointed. I mean, obviously, we put ourselves in this position. We haven’t played well enough as a team,” said Max Scherzer following the Mets’ 5-1 win on Friday. “I’ve had a hand in that for why we’re in the position that we’re at. Can’t get mad at anybody but yourself, but it stinks.”

The 38-year-old also expressed that he expects to discuss with owner Steve Cohen before Tuesday’s deadline.

“You have to talk to the brass. You have to understand what they see, what they’re going to do,” Scherzer said. “That’s the best I can tell you. I told you I wasn’t going to comment on this until Steve was going to sell. We traded Robertson. Now we need to have a conversation.”

What does this mean for the Mets?

The trading of Robertson was a move that had been rumored for weeks, and with him being on a one-year deal, one that needed to be made. 

Now what happens with Scherzer is interesting. The three-time Cy Young Award winner does not seem too pleased that the Mets are selling, and why should he be? Even though selling is the best move for the organization as a playoff push appears slim, Scherzer is a fierce competitor and knows that his window to win another championship is closing quickly. 

Of course, the obvious answer would be to trade Scherzer, as the Mets would get some pieces back, and the 38-year-old would get a chance to compete for another ring. 

However, According to SNY’s Andy Martino, Scherzer is considered “less likely” to be traded than the team’s other veterans because the scouts that have watched him have been “less than impressed with the quality of his stuff.” That is before mentioning the hurdles that his lucrative contract brings.

This situation is worth monitoring for Mets fans, as the last thing you want is to have a disgruntled star on your hands.

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