Mets GM Billy Eppler details remaining free agency, off-season plans

billy eppler, mets

The New York Mets introduced their big-ticket free agency signing this offseason, Justin Verlander, to the media earlier today.

Headlined by Verlander, this Mets free agency process has been a blast up until this point. Still, though, more needs on this baseball team have to be addressed with the World Series expectations in place for next year.

Following Verlander’s introductory press conference, Mets general Manager Billy Eppler made himself available to the media. He answered some questions with regard to the plans for the rest of this offseason.

Mets GM Billy Eppler speaks on what’s to come:

Eppler was asked if he is done with making acquisitions and stated the following.

“Yeah, wouldn’t say we’re completely done. But, we’ll be opportunistic on the things that we’re able to do, hopefully, there will be a couple of things that get announced in the near future. But, you know, I think a lot of the moves are going to be on the margins right now, and kind of rounding out some of the main acquisitions that we’ve made this far.”

Ironically, just a few hours after these comments, the Mets re-signed core relief pitcher from 2022, Adam Ottavino.

Continuing to get solid relief arms under contract was arguably still the Mets’ biggest need, and they just added to it.

The other top need most will continue to point to is a power bat being added to this lineup. Eppler and Steve Cohen have shown a willing, aggressiveness to attack every last need so far. If the Mets are able to sign a power hitter, they basically complete their offseason addressing every weakness.

Thanks to Cohen’s eagerness to spend, Eppler has had the resources to make whatever moves he would like and has done a great job of adding the right pieces. Now, we will see what he has to come, most notably offensively.

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