ARod Would Consider Doing a Jeter-Like Deal to Buy the Mets

New York Yankees, Alex Rodriguez

Ever since the sale of the New York Mets to billionaire hedge fund manager Steven A. Cohen fell through earlier this year, things have quieted down on that front. The Wilpons’ condition in which they would control to the team for five years after relinquishing financial control was a sticking point, along with not having SNY included, that sent Cohen packing.

Now, the Wilpons are putting the team up for sale via an auction overseen by Allen and Co. Cohen is said to be still somewhat interested and many potential suitors are shying away because he is still in the mix and can outbid them, even with SNY in play.

One individual who might put together an offer if presented in former Yankees great Alex Rodriguez. ARod could front a group of investors to make an offer very much like his former teammate Derek Jeter did with the Miami Marlins.

ARod told late night host Jimmy Fallon he’s open to such a venture.

From the NY Post:

ARoRodriguez, who flirted with playing for the Mets in 2000, jokingly offered the opportunity to Fallon, a Yankees fan. A-Rod’s fiancee Jennifer Lopez is also a known Yankees fan.


“Maybe you can buy them with me,” Rodriguez told Fallon. “I need a partner!”

ARod earned approximately $450 million during his playing days and could certainly team up with some other celebs and heavyweights to put together and offer for the Royal Blue and Orange.

But, what would the Wilpons do to sour the deal? They clearly do not want to sell but they have to. It appears they no longer have the financial bandwidth to own a team in a major market such as New York.

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