As we all know, NBA fans and players love to take shots at the New York Knicks. Kevin Durant took some of his own at the Knicks the past couple days.
Durant basically said that the Knicks aren’t cool and having young players isn’t either. Some will argue that the Brooklyn Nets weren’t cool until he, Durant and Kyrie Irving, signed there. Before that, some thought the Nets weren’t cool. And it was seen from their attendance.
Are they cool now? Possibly. They Nets were cool when the first moved from New Jersey to Brooklyn because it was something new.
However, just when people think that Durant could be taking a step forward, in maturity, he takes two steps back. He is trying to stir up some noise with Knicks fans and bring back the rivalry. In a way, it’s good for the city.
One of the Knicks leaders, Julius Randle, had a low-key clap-back to the “Knicks aren’t cool” comment. Randle said, “I feel cool wearing the (blue & orange) everyday.” That was just the right comment to make back towards Durant’s comments. Nothing over the top or anything like that. Simple and to the point, it’s means more in our opinion.
Durant should not be trying to stir things up yet. He is recovering from his Achilles injury and will not play this season. That injury is not easy to come back from. Kobe Bryant and Dominic Wilkins were able to because they were a different breed. Durant is also a different breed, but with a different body type. He’s taller which makes it harder for tall people to recover easier. Wait until you get back on the court Kevin.
Knicks fans shouldn’t looking into Durant’s comments. He’s immature and looking to get under the skin of Knicks fans because he didn’t sign with them.
Knicks fans know what they have in their team. There’s a good combination of youth and gritty veterans with chips on their shoulders. If anything, this Knicks team will be ready to defend the New York when it’s time to play the Nets, with or without Durant. Marcus Morris made it very clear, the Knicks aren’t “taking no sh*t” this season.