New York Jets’ Jamal Adams is a perennial all-pro. He is far and away one of the best talents the Jets have had in the past few decades. Not only that, but he is currently one of the best defensive players in the league. Adams, deservingly, wants a raise for how well he has played, but now is not the right time. So here is my initial reaction to his request to seek a trade, and what happens next.
Reaction To Adams’ Request
On Thursday, Rich Cimini reported that Jamal Adams has requested permission to seek a trade. The move is one that has upset New York Jets fans, but not shocked the fanbase. Although I have been one of the biggest proponents of Adams remaining with the Jets today’s request has angered me and I know I’m not alone. I love Jamal, and despite the drama at the deadline in the fall, I was among the Jets faithful that continued to support Adams. Now, the tide has turned. I would love Adams to remain with the team, but the odds of him being here at the start of the season are incredibly minimal.
Jamal Adams deserves to be paid, but asking for an extension in the midst of a pandemic is utterly ridiculous. Jamal’s day was going to come. He was going to be paid richly for his services, and Joe Douglas has constantly reiterated his desire to keep Jamal for life. Not only that, but Jamal HAD been the biggest proponent of remaining with the team and being a culture changer. Yet, now is not the right time to ink a deal with Adams when the prospects of next season are filled with uncertainty. Looking at other players in Adams’ draft class, Deshaun Watson and Patrick Mahomes, both are in the same situation but have not been a quarter of as vocal. If Jamal would have just stood idle and waited for a fair contract, this wouldn’t have to happen.
From his perspective though, it is evident why he is angry. Jamal wants to be the highest-paid player on the team and the highest-paid safety in football. Jamal also felt betrayed following the trade deadline and his near trade to the Cowboys. Jamal has been the face of this franchise and he wants to be rewarded for that. Now, it is just not the time for Adams to want that reward. Now is the time to be a team player, even if it sucks and wait it out.
What Happens Next?
The New York Jets have yet to grant Adams permission to seek a trade. Joe Douglas has multiple options here. He can take the Porzingis approach and deal Adams quickly and move forward. He can take the Yannick Ngauoke approach and attempt to draw this out and wait for the negotiations out until one side folds. The last approach is the miracle, he remains committed to keeping Adams and the team pays him richly to stay on the team for the long-haul.
The wrinkle in all of this that makes me think that it’s game over for Adams in the Green and White is the recent report by Calvin Watkins stating Adams would play elsewhere without an extension. Essentially, money is important, but Adams wants respect. If the Jets can’t give him that, then this will get even messier.
As for the team’s outlook, the safety position would become full of uncertainty. With Maye in a contract year, Ashtyn Davis and Anthony Cioffi could become the lucky recipients of increased playing time.
Ultimately, neither side wanted this to go this way. Yet, it may be beyond repair. If neither side concedes, Jamal will be gone and the Jets will be forced to move on without their defensive cornerstone. If the Jets would just show Adams respect, and Adams would be quiet and remain patient, then things could have hope of working out, but it seems to be too late.