“Rather than carry the New York Giants, Eli Manning is hurting them right now”, “These Giants need Eli at his best — and he’s falling well short” are just a few headlines that swarm the internet and adorn local newspapers. Negativity has been surrounding Eli Manning since the start of his career, but do people take the time to look beyond the field?
Manning certainly does not receive the recognition he deserves-on or off the field. Manning has done various acts of kindness and has volunteered his time helping others. However, instead of hearing about his philanthropic ventures, we instead are bombarded with a slew of stories discussing Eli’s blunders. This should change.
We instead should be hearing about how each year Manning hosts a charity golf event or how he and his wife Abby raised $2.5 million for the Eli Manning Children’s Clinic. Manning has also donated $1 million to Ole Miss, the college he and Abby attended. He also is a large supporter of and contributor to various charitable organizations including the March of Dimes. And when Hurricane Sandy tore through the tri-state area and left New Jersey ravaged, Eli Manning, a resident of Hoboken, New Jersey was there to help and assist families affected. He was actively involved, discussing the extent of the damage with the mayor of Hoboken and visiting those who lost their homes to help them. Manning also gave to local food pantries to ease the resident’s pain. This is just a small portion of what Manning does for the community. Also, Manning, father of four, visits kids who are afflicted with cancer and other deadly diseases on his own and in conjunction with Tom Coughlin’s Jay Fund. He always has a smile on his face and brings joy to those he meets. And what’s even more amazing. is that he does all of the aforementioned acts of kindness without asking for any recognition. He does it out of the pure goodness of his heart, a trait quite admirable.
Manning is also an upstanding player. Time after time, win, lose, or tie if any mistakes are made the one who takes the blame is Eli. He never throws his teammates under the bus and always takes full responsibility. It’s certainly no wonder Manning has been captain for so long. So instead of going into panic mode because two games have been lost in a row, let’s remember how the Giants started the 2007 season with two straight losses and then wound up winning Super Bowl 42 February 3rd, 2008 and how the Giants lost their 2011 season opener and lost four games in a row, eventually winning Super Bowl 46 February 5th, 2012. Many seem to forget or neglect to acknowledge that Eli is a two-time Super Bowl champ. Â
Thank you, Eli, for all you have done for the Giants community and beyond! You have been nothing short of great and we are all beyond appreciative for what you have contributed both on and off the field! You are a class act and we have nothing but the utmost respect for you!
Dwelling in the past is not going to help win games. The Giants can turn this season around. Let’s move onward and upward and prepare for the Buccaneers. Now it’s time to support Daniel Jones and hope that he does well as we wish him the best of luck, but not forget about our rELIable Manning! Manning is selfless and will continue to be a good leader for Daniel Jones in true Eli fashion. He truly has the heart of a Giant. Manning may not be a perfect ten, but no one is.