New York Giants’ DeAndre Baker will sue Quinton Dunbar’s lawyer after tweeting incriminating text

New York Giants, Julian Love, DeAndre Baker, Julian Love

Another twist to the DeAndre baker story, what a surprise. The New York Giants are merely watching this entire legal process unfold, and with new evidence popping up every day, Baker has flip-flopped between innocence and being guilty.

While nothing is set in stone and the entire legal process has yet to play out, Quinton Dunbar, cornerback for the Seattle Seahawks and alleged accomplice in the armed robbery Baker was charged with, has created some problems for the Giants’ corner through his lawyer. Michael Grieco, the attorney for Dunbar, posted a private message late Wednesday night that incriminated Baker for illegal gambling.

“The text is complete bulls–t,’’ Patel said. “Read the text. You can say anybody is that person. Wasn’t it everybody’s bulls–t at the beginning that my client Baker lost $70,000? Now go read the text. The text is saying Baker won $10,000. So what are we doing? Look at the size of the arms and the tats,’’ Patel said. “It’s not him.’’’

The message claims that Dunbar wasn’t at the party, but Baker was present and gained $10,000 shooting dice. The entire reason behind this was to inform the public that Dunbar was not involved at the gambling location, which would take him out of the picture with evidence being placed against himself and Baker.

Being that Baker’s name is in the text and the tweet is incriminating, DeAndre’s attorney, Patrick Patel, stated that he would file a lawsuit against Grieco for libel and slander, immediately.

“Baker is going to immediately file a lawsuit against Grieco for libel and slander, making everybody believe that Baker is in that picture, because his name is in the text,’’ Patel told The New York Post.   

The picture posted by Grieco, includes two men, one that could be Baker but doesn’t seem to be based on the size of his arms and tattoo placements. In addition, this evidence says that Baker didn’t lose $70,000, which initial reports indicated. It seems as if all of the evidence is being tossed up in the air and construed in specific ways to either decrement Dunbar or Baker. The latest move by Grieco certainly puts Baker in a tumultuous position, but nothing seems substantial to stick.

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