Ask any New York Giants player who one of the greatest men to wear blue was, and many of them will say, Justin Tuck, not just for his plays, but for the generosity and kindness he exudes off of the field.
Just recently, former Giant Justin Tuck sent a letter to United States Navy veteran Michael Cathcart, 34. Cathcart was an avionics technician for the Navy, whose job was to ensure that pilots can perform their tasks and duties with their aircraft correctly by assisting from the ground.
Cathcart met his wife, a marine, who was also in the military while stationed in Miramar as part of Operation Freedom. Just three months after his first child was born, Cathcart was deployed. He felt devastated, leaving his bundle of joy, but thought that this made them have an unbreakable bond. Cathcart also has a younger daughter and a son and loves spending time with them, dedicated to being a loving and supportive father.
Cathcart, a native of Bayonne, New Jersey, is a hometown hero and an avid New York Giants fan. He says he was born into a family of Giants fans. To honor Cathcart this upcoming Veteran’s Day, Tuck penned a letter thanking him for his service. The letter reads”
“I wanted to send you a note personally thanking you for the years of service to our country as a member of the U.S. Navy. The freedom our country enjoys is only possible because of the bravery, sacrifice, and selflessness shown by you and your fellow servicemen and women. What I experienced on the field will never equate to what you experienced in combat. I am thrilled to hear that your Sundays were filled with Giants football while you were deployed. Without your service, there would be no football, no NFL, no game days-for that and a million other reasons, I say thank you! I salute you and Happy Veteran’s Day!”
Sincerely, Justin Tuck
Go Giants, God Bless
Cathcart says Tuck is his all-time favorite player because he complimented the defensive line well and admires the work he does off of the field. When they presented him with the letter, Cathcart was overwhelmed with Tuck’s kind words and appreciated Tuck’s support for the country and the military.
It truly does not get any classier than Tuck. The simplest gesture made Cathcart’s day and brought a smile to everyone involved!
They say America is the “home of the free, because of the brave” and that is so true. We thank Cathcart and all of the other men and women for their service this Veteran’s Day and every day!