Boxing: Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr fight to a draw

Tonight was the boxing match that the world has been talking about for months. Two legends of the sport came out of retirement to box in an eight round exhibition match.

Former world champions, Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr, went head to head tonight. This is a boxing match that we didn’t get to see when both were fighting, but many have questioned what would have happened if they fought.

Of course both men boxed in different weight classes during their primes, but were close enough for the discussions to take place. Months ago it was announced that the two would have a PPV exhibition.

Jones last fought back in 2018 when he won the World Boxing Union Cruiserweight title. It has been a much lengthier layoff for Tyson. Tonight marked the first time since 2005 that the former heavyweight champion of the world stepped foot in the squared circle.

Boxing: Tyson – Jones Jr Recap

Round 1

As the boxing main event got underway, both men touched gloves. Jones Jr looked to dance on the outside while Tyson looked to get on the inside. Tyson looked for some big body hooks early on in the first round.

Jones Jr looked to work the jab, but Tyson was doing a good job of getting on the inside. Tyson popped Jones Jr with three consecutive jabs as Jones Jr looked to clinch. Jones Jr then popped Tyson with a couple of jabs as the first round came to an end. Good first round for Tyson.

Round 2

As the second round got underway, both boxing legends were breathing a little heavy. Tyson immediately exploded with two big shots to start the second round. Both men clinched, but Tyson was doing better at landing shots in the clinch.

Jones Jr continued to look to stay on the outside, but Tyson clocked him with a solid left hook. Tyson looked incredibly patient in the second round looking for his opportunities. Jones Jr had some moments, but Tyson closed the second round strong with more big hooks.

Round 3

Going into the third round, I had Tyson up 2-0 in this boxing fantasy matchup. Tyson was doing a fantastic job of landing left hooks as Jones Jr continued to look for shots from the outside. That left hand from Tyson was landing clean in this one.

There was a lot of clinching in the third round. Every time Tyson would get close, Jones Jr would force the clinch. Late in the third, both men exchanged shots, but Tyson landed with more authority with a massive body hook. After three rounds, I had Tyson up 3-0.

Round 4

Halfway through this boxing fantasy match and Mike Tyson looked fresher than Jones Jr entering the fourth round. Jones Jr continued to land on the outside and clinch Tyson every time the fight got close.

Tyson appeared to look frustrated in the fourth round. However, Tyson landed some massive body shots in the final minute of the fourth round. Jones Jr clinched Tyson immediately after those shots landed. Four rounds through this one and Tyson’s won every round.

Round 5

Before the fifth round started, Jones Jr’s corner instructed him to pop shot and grab. It was a clear look into the boxing strategy of Jones Jr. Jones Jr opened the fifth with a solid 1-2 which he followed with a clinch.

Tyson looked to remain patient and land big hooks. However, Jones Jr was doing better in the fifth round. Jones Jr seemed to be getting off, but then Tyson landed a couple of clean counter hooks. Closer round and I’ll lean towards Jones Jr in this one.

Round 6

In the sixth round, Jones Jr looked very tired to me. Tyson was just stalking Jones Jr looking for a massive shot to close the show. Again, every time Jones Jr got within range, he would look to clinch with Tyson.

A minute into the round and Tyson landed a couple of really good shots. Jones Jr continued to look for the clinch and shots from the outside. Tyson landed a massive uppercut, but it didn’t appear to phase Jones Jr. Jones Jr landed a massive shot of his own to end the round.

Round 7

Through six rounds of this boxing fantasy match, I had Tyson up five rounds to one. Tyson looked for a powerful 1-2 to open the seventh round, but Jones Jr was able to clinch him. Jones Jr started to go off with a few shots, but found himself in the corner.

Once there, Tyson landed some big shots of his own. Jones Jr appeared to be trying to empty the tank in the final rounds of this one. Jones Jr looked extremely gassed in the final 30 seconds. Tyson pushed forward and landed good body shots as the round ended.

Round 8

In the final round of this fantasy boxing matchup, I think Jones Jr would have needed a finish to get the win. However, there was no official scoring in this one. Jones Jr looked to keep Tyson at range as Tyson looked to use his hooks to get inside.

Both men started really exchanging in the final round. Jones Jr through several really good combinations, but Tyson was able to back him into the corner. Once there, Tyson brutalized Jones Jr’s body with hooks. The final bell closed with another massive Tyson body shot.

My final scorecard: Tyson def Jones Jr (79-73)

Unofficially: Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr ends in a draw

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