During the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic most people became apprehensive of helping others due to a number of reasons whether it be a fear of contracting the virus or because some have fallen on hard times. However, for Tennessee Titans tight end Anthony Firkser, he saw this as an opportune time to help those in need.
Firkser became involved in the charity Caring Hearts Ministries of Mexico after meeting his wonderful girlfriend Natalie Hennessy, who works extensively with them. The couple dedicate their lives to ensuring that the lives of those less fortunate are given the same opportunities that everyone else has.
The power couple recently ran a virtual 5k to raise money for Caring Hearts Ministries, helped build shelves for a girls home and gave out food to those that need it most and cannot obtain groceries because of the pandemic. They also work with Oasis Boys part of Caring Hearts Ministries, which helps house young boys who are either orphaned or their parents do not have the means to support them. They set them up for a better life by providing them with the resources they need to have a successful and productive life while also administering encouragement and guidance. To sponsor one of these wonderful boys please visit their website https://www.caringheartsmexico.org/oasis-boys/ . Another program that Caring Hearts Ministries does is the #FemininaFuerte campaign which ensures that all girls feel loved, beautiful and empowered by showering them with nourishment of the body, mind and soul. To raise awareness and help these sweet, precious angels be sure to visit https://www.caringheartsmexico.org/girls-home/ The charity also works hard to extirpate food insecurity by providing sustenance and also clean water for those who cannot access it easily. In addition they help those that are blind access opportunities to shine and advance their skills so that they can work. For those suffering with addiction, which so devastatingly and severely effects families, they equip men with the ways and means to get better in every way and be the strong men their families need.  Â
Firkser says that now more than ever we need to help others because those that are already struggling are struggling even more, grappling with hunger and other instabilities. He also says that helping others is rewarding and fulfilling for all parties involved because he was lucky to grow up fortunate so now that he is in the position to help others he has made it his goal to help ease and ultimately eradicate the issues and problems plaguing communities stricken with poverty, hunger and other hardships.
To help out and do your part visit https://www.caringheartsmexico.org/
The couple are truly angels, with pure hearts of gold, devoting their time to making the world a better place. They are selfless, caring, generous and all-around wonderful people. The world most certainly needs more magnanimous people like Anthony and Natalie now more than ever!