Miami Dolphins Allen Hurns knows the value of a mother. Together Hurns and his mother Erica Wilson started 88 Blessings Foundation to provide resources for single parents. 88 Blessings equip single parents with essential advice on topics ranging from financial stability to other issues. They also offer assistance both financially and emotionally and connect these single parents to sources that will aid them with whatever they may need. They make it clear that they are their wholeheartedly and fully support them through it all! They also ensure these single parents know through it all that they are not alone no matter what and that things can and will get better in due time- spreading an absolutely beautiful message of hope and solidarity for these strong, brave individuals!
Hurns’ 88 Blessings helps countless people in need and gives back in any way they possibly can. When Hurns sees an opportunity to provide support or assistance to those less fortunate he immediately jumps at it and offers his aid. For instance, when the coronavirus pandemic hit, Hurns saw fit to honor high school seniors part of the class of 2020 by creating the S.O.A.R. Movement which sends out care packages to the graduates to brighten their day. Also, Hurns has promised that when the pandemic is over, he will host a night out for the seniors to further celebrate and honor them. Hurns has been a part of aiding hurricane relief efforts, handed out Christmas gifts to children of single mothers, and has done so much more to impact so many lives.
Hurns inspiration is his beautiful mother Erica Wilson, the driving force and CEO of 88 Blessings, who is a strong, brave, resilient single mother to Hurns and his brother. She is a successful businesswoman and empowers others and uses her platform to enact change and encourages others to do the same. She is an absolute role model not just to her successful sons but to all! The apple does not fall far from the tree- it is no wonder why Hurns is such a giving, kind person, an absolute class act with a heart of gold.  It truly is wonderful to see such a loving family using their platform in such a positive way, making a difference in the lives of others!