New York Yankees: Suspended season hurts Domingo German more than anyone

New York Yankees, Domingo German

There’s one person on the New York Yankees that is hurt by the suspended season more than anyone. That person is Domingo German.

There’s no doubt that what he did was completely stupid. He was suspended for 81 games, with 63 games remaining for a domestic incident with his girlfriend. There are no charges filed, so it seems that his girlfriend has maybe forgiven him. He is also not appealing the suspension.

As much as what he did was wrong, he still deserves a second chance. That second chance may not happen until 2021.

It’s still very possible that a season doesn’t happen at all in 2020. There was a rumor that the season could start in a month in Arizona, but that already seems unlikely. If a 2020 season happens, it will be significantly shortened.

So, after he serves the remaining 63 games, German will need to pitch a bit in the minors to get tuned up. However, there may not be a minor league season. So if German sees any 2020 action, it may only be a few games.

If there isn’t a 2020 season, we may not see him again until after we see Luis Severino. Severino underwent Tommy John surgery before the COVID-19 outbreak and is expected to return in early to mid-2021.

We’ll see what happens, but I don’t think we will see Domingo German at all in 2020, or if they play, we won’t see him for long. He may not take a major league mound until 2021, but actions have consequences.

Hopefully, he will learn from his mistakes and will be a better person from it.

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