The Coronavirus has been a national pandemic that has forced the NBA and NCAA to halt their seasons severely. Major League Baseball is the next domino to fall as the growing concern for the safety of players, fans, and other members working in baseball.
After a conference call among owners this afternoon, Major League Baseball is expected to suspend spring training. The league likely will delay the beginning of the regular season as well. At this point, it's a formality that ownership-level sources expect to happen.
— Jeff Passan (@JeffPassan) March 12, 2020
The decision comes with the harsh reality of the virus, not slowing down anytime soon. There is no word on when baseball will resume again and will all but guarantee the delay of the regular season. Large public gatherings have been canceled or severely restricted, which has been another reason for MLB to close the doors on baseball.
More Than Baseball
Sports have always been the one place people can fall back to when America has suffered through tough times, but there is no haven from the Coronavirus. The concern is that players can also bring the disease home to their families and other loved ones. The choice comes at a no-brainer during a time where the health concerns have rapidly increased across the nation.
So spring training games will halt as of Friday
— Joel Sherman (@Joelsherman1) March 12, 2020
The NHL is the last in-season professional sports league still standing. With all likelihood, they will have to suspend their season as the cases on the virus continue to grow worldwide. This pandemic has swept the nation in a way that nothing has during our lifetimes. Hopefully, the strict measures taken now could allow baseball and other sports to restart sooner rather than later.