New York Knicks Superstar Free Agent Target Sets Up Shop In The Big Apple

Are the New York Knicks in a good spot to land Kevin Durant?

The New York Knicks are putting all of their eggs in Kevin Durant’s Easter basket this offseason. The Knicks and New York City just got a hint that he could be bringing his talents to the big apple. But, it isn’t his basketball talents just yet. It’s his business talents.

Besides basketball, Durant has been investing in business companies with partner Rich Kleiman. Their company,  Thirty-Five Ventures, invests in such companies Postmates and Robinhood.

The two, and their 10 employees are stepping up shop in New York City.  Can this possibly be the first major sign that Durant will sign with the Knicks? A lot of people will look into this as such that.

However, we still clearly don’t know.  Moving their companies operations out of New York was clearly a business move, for the moment. But, we all know Knicks fans and they’re going to think, “he’s definitely coming now!”

For the time being, we can all go ahead and speculate on what the real reasoning behind this business move might be.  Can it be that Durant is actually coming to play ball in New York next season and he wants both business ventures in one place?  Or was this the best move for these investments and his successful company?  Only time will tell.

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