New York Knicks receive praise for new front office additions

New York Knicks, Leon Rose

The New York Knicks have assembled a new front office that they hope will reignite the franchise. New team president Leon Rose has handpicked some new faces from different organizations to become prominent members of his team. After his decision to retain Scott Perry as GM, he brought in a new assistant general managers.

Walt Perrin

Leon Rose brought in Utah Jazz VP of player personnel Walt Perrin to become an assistant GM. Perrin has been the single most important person in the Jazz’s player scouting. He’s been known to attend international and college games for prospects of all levels and was instrumental in the Jazz selecting both Donovan Mitchell and Rudy Gobert. Here’s what some people around the league had to say about Perrin:

Perrin will take over the majority of the amateur scouting responsibilities. The Knicks tabbed another new executive to handle pro player personnel.

Frank Zanin

Zanin comes from the Oklahoma City Thunder’s organization and will serve as an assistant to the gm, primarily assigned to pro player personnel. He’s been a key part in shaping the Thunder’s current roster and served in the Nets front office as an assistant gm in 2016. Prior to being the Nets, Zanin worked with the Sixers for nine years.

Frank Zanin had a relationship with the late great Kobe Bryant when the two competed against each other in high school in Philadelphia. Kobe spoke highly of Zanin back in 2016 when he was still with the Nets.

Brock Aller

The third new hire for the Knicks is salary cap expert Brock Aller from the Cleveland Cavaliers. Multiple reports explained that the Cavs worked to not lose Aller, and it took him a few weeks to make his decision to come and join the Knicks.

Described as a “Diabolocial genius from a cap standpoint“, Aller will be an integral part of the Knicks roster decision and contracts going forward. His official title will be Vice President of Basketball and Strategic Planning. David Griffin, the former Cavs, and current Pelicans general manager said of Aller, “Brock can rank the order the value of every piece of paper in the NBA…”

The New York Knicks have hired three executives from different backgrounds, who all use their expertise in different areas. On paper, the plan sounds good. Three respected executives with no prior ties to the Knicks all coming together to build a new team strategy from scratch. Hopefully, the positive results will come in the near future.


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