Here at Empire Sports Media we are always trying to interact more with our loyal supporters and fans. Â One of our newest writers, Eli Samuels, @EliMSamuels, came up with this idea to do just that.
We will be introducing a mailbag series where you, our supporters and fans, comment or tweet us questions that you would like us to write an article about.
For example, do you want to hear us talk about the current roster? Â Knicks pastimes, like the Ewing missed layup, or future draft picks and how the lineup may look. Â Any of your most or least favorite Knicks moments, let us know and we will give you our two cents.
Those who submit a question will be featured on the site. Â The question/tweet will be in the article along with our discussion on the question presented to us. Â The best way for us to see your questions would be to comment below or tweet us at @EmpireSportsNYK.
We look forward to all your questions!