The New York Islanders have been plagued throughout their history for one reason. Those damn Fisherman jerseys. The ugliest and worst jerseys of the last millennia. Not one person who played on the Island liked those jerseys. Nevertheless, there was hope for some fans that the New York Islanders would have the Fisherman’s come back. This “hope” is completely gone now. The Reverse Retro jerseys will not be the Fisherman.
The jerseys come out on Monday, but this rumor has already been put to bed. Peter Schwartz’s inside source says that Lamoriello wasn’t going to let them play in Fisherman’s. Lamoriello didn’t even want Reverse Retro jerseys, and the final design is very conservative. So what is the final design?
1980 Jerseys
I’m actually not surprised if the Isles go this route with their jerseys. This was the year that the Islanders used in the AdidasHockey Reverse Retro video. It’s a very simple and clean design. The fans have a soft spot for this jersey and the year. It’s a throwback that everyone can appreciate. The jerseys are a bit lighter than what the Isles will end up doing, but it will mainly be based around this design. The main patch is definitely my favorite part.
2001 Jerseys
These dark jerseys are nothing short of sexy. This jersey just screams Alexei Yashin. This also matches more of what the AdidasHockey Reverse Retro video showed for the Islanders. I think the darker jersey’s suites the tone of the season a bit more. The Islanders need to be the supervillains of the league, and that dark blue almost purple gives off of a supervillain feel.
2007 Jerseys
These are my favorite jerseys by far. It’s actually not even close. They keep the supervillain feel and add a bit more orange to the sleeves. I think the orange makes these jerseys close to perfect. If the Isles do bring this jersey back, everyone will be happy. I think the final product will be a mix of these jerseys and the 1980 jerseys.