New York Giants: Former Giant Marcus Harris is SOUPer

New York Giants, Golden Tate

Former New York Giant wide receiver Marcus Harris may be out of football but the game is still in him.

He is always seen posting workout videos and working towards his goals. He never gives up, no matter how difficult life becomes or how many hardships and tribulations he faces.  He uses this as a source of power and determination. Harris always remains positive through it all as well. His personality is so effervescent and he just booms with life. When looking at his TwitHis Twitter biography alone lets you see just how pure he is.  It states “Love is my religion…#Blessed”. And that is something that is true. Harris is full of love and spreads so much cheer and joy to his followers and beyond. Each and every day no matter what he faces, he tweets something uplifting whether it be a quote or a song lyric, he brightens his followers days.  He also never has anything negative to say about his troubles, seeing them as a sort of guidance and is always thankful through it all. Harris is also not a bad sport and constantly supported each and every one of his fellow teammates and showed tremendous respects for his opponents as well.

Harris is also extremely kind to his fans both in person and through social media.  During training camp, he was always so pleasant and made sure each fan got an autograph, a picture or both.  When someone tweets him, he responds either with a favorite, a retweet or a reply or all three. While some may consider that simple to a fan that can truly make their day.  To top it all off, Harris calls his fans friends because he considers them just that and treats them in that way. His followers actually feel like they are his friends and it does not feel like an athlete and spectator.  He gets on a more personal, deeper level with you instead. It really is no wonder why he has such a strong following and so many supporters who constantly use the hashtag TeamSoup.

Even though the journey has been anything but easy, by looking at Harris you would never know it.  He always remains happy and upbeat through it all and even inspires and helps others. He has participated in football camps for youth and has done other charitable ventures such as donating toys and other goods to the underprivileged during the holidays with fellow teammate and absolute sweetheart, Julian Talley.  In his spare time, he gardens and shows his progress to his followers. He also is into fashion and has a clothing line. Harris is an amazing player and an all-around great guy and it was an honor to have met him and for him to have been part of the New York Giants!

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