Former New York Giant Akeem Hunt is working hard to find the opportunity he so very deserves!
Hunt is so very versatile when it comes to the game of football and can make great plays as a running back and on special teams. He can run routes with such agility and speed and has the footwork to be a great blocker. He is very adept when it comes to being a play maker-whether it be on offense, special teams or even defense!
No matter what life throws his way, Hunt handles everything by working hard and trying to be the best he could possibly be! Whenever adversity comes his way, he stands tall. When things may not work out in the game of football, Hunt perseveres and goes back to training, forging the path to greatness!
Hunt is so very grateful and appreciative of every single opportunity he is given and works to prove himself each and every time he gets out on that field. No matter what team he is with, he shows his gratitude for the organization as a whole and the fans. He has the skills and the talent to be great but what sets him apart from the rest is his heart and drive.
Hunt is a pillar of positivity and is always spreading good vibes to all. He always posts such positive quotes that truly make my day! His outlook on life is truly infectious! He is kind and so very nice to each and every fan, which makes it a no-brainer to want to root and support him.
Being close to his mother, Hunt’s number one goal in life is to “retire momma”. With his determination and outlook on life, Hunt’s dream will most certainly come true! He is a family man through and through and it shows!
His clothing line, S.O.O.N. which stands for Superior Out of Nothing, serves as a way to spread good vibes to all. He makes us all believe in ourselves and know that with hard work and determination success will surely come our way. Hunt uplifts all through his clothing line and beyond. His faith is what leads him to be a source of strength for others.
Hunt is truly special and such a beacon of light. He is an inspiration to all and a role model. There are honestly not enough good things to say about Hunt, both as a player and person! No matter what team he may be on, he represents them well! He is a class act and I hold the utmost respect and admiration for him! He makes you proud to be a fan of his!