In the co-main event of Bellator 297, we saw a superfight for the bantamweight title. Bantamweight champion Sergio Pettis (22-5) made his return after tearing his ACL as he took on current featherweight champion and former lightweight champion Patricio Pitbull (35-5).
Sergio Pettis is making his return after tearing his ACL ahead of the bantamweight Grand Prix. Pettis won the title by defeating Juan Archuleta by unanimous decision. In his first title defense, he knocked out Kyoji Horiguchi with a spinning backfist in the fourth round.
Patricio Pitbull is already the most decorated fighter in Bellator history and tonight, he was chasing more history. Pitbull moved down to 135 and was trying to become the first man to win a world championship in three different weight classes.
Bellator 297 Recap
Round 1
The Bellator 297 bantamweight title fight kicked off with a touch of the gloves. Pitbull immediately takes the center and Pettis starts the striking with a calf kick. Pitbull stalking Pettis here but he hasn’t thrown anything just yet. Pettis floating the jab out there and he eats a leg kick from Pitbull.
Nice jab and a right hand now for Sergio Pettis. Pitbull just appears to be feeling things out here in the first couple of minutes. High kick attempt from Pettis is blocked by Pitbull. Pitbull lands a counter right over the top and then a body kick behind it. Now, Pitbull is starting to land his counter right.
1-2 now from Pettis. Big level change and a powerful takedown from Patricio Pitbull. He gets the back of Pettis with two minutes left in the round. Pettis scrambles and he gets back to his feet with 90 seconds left in the round and Pettis lands a calf kick.
Both men trade kicks in the center. Front kick now from Pettis. Quick combination from Pettis and now a nice jab from Pettis. Big right hand from Pitbull lands with 20 seconds left in the round. The bell sounds and I think the first round might’ve gone to Sergio Pettis at Bellator 297.
Round 2
Entering the second and I’m expecting to see more volume from the featherweight champion. Pitbull takes the center and looks a little more light on his feet to start the second. Lead uppercut from Pettis but Pettis counters with a nice left hand. Low kick now from Pitbull.
Another low kick now from Pitbull and then both men miss big shots up top. Jab from Pitbull lands. A long 1-2 from Pettis and then a body kick. Pitbull flicking the jab out there but not much on it. He’s getting Pettis up against the fence but Pettis creates separation with a combination.
Another nice body kick from Sergio Pettis lands. Beautiful combination from Pettis lands and we are halfway through the second round. Both men are just throwing a lot of feints right now but not throwing much. Flying knee attempt from Pitbull just misses. Pettis circles out and lands a jab.
Pitbull looks for a left hook but misses and then eats a combination from Pettis. Counter left from Pettis as Pitbull moves forward. Front kick now from Pettis. Takedown attempt from Pitbull but Pettis shrugs him off. Pettis rocks Pitbull with a head kick but we are right at the end of the round. The round comes to a close and I have it 2-0 Pettis at Bellator 297.
Round 3
Entering the third and all the momentum is with the bantamweight champion. Pettis has a ton of confidence and Pitbull looks a little uneasy right now. Leg kick from Pitbull starts the striking. Big combination from Pettis gets him going.
Stiff jab from Pitbull and he tries for a takedown but Pettis again shrugs him off. Nice jab from Pettis now and he follows with a front kick. Triple jab and a rip to the body for Pettis. Big counter right for Pitbull lands as Pettis advances.
Halfway through the round and Pettis looks for a high kick. Step in left for Pettis and then he follows it with a combination. Long jab now from Pettis and then he triples it up. Pettis is putting on a clinic right now and Pitbull is doing nothing but pressuring.
Left hook attempt up top from Pitbull but it’s blocked. Both men trade rights in the center. Blood trickling out the left eye of Patricio Pitbull. Right hand from Pitbull lands but then Pettis answers back with big combinations. Pitbull goes for a takedown and gets a big one with 20 seconds left to work.
Short elbows now from Pitbull but there’s only 10 seconds to works. The round ends and I have it 3-0 Pettis at Bellator 297.
Round 4
Entering the fourth and unless you gave Pitbull the first, he’s going to need to start dominating this fight if he wants to have a chance. It’s Pettis that immediately takes the center to start the fourth round. Low kick attempt from Pitbull whiffs.
Both men miss on huge right hand counters and they reset. Jab now from Pettis. 90 seconds into the round and there’s not a lot of action at the moment. Jab from Pettis and a whiff on a counter left from Pitbull. Anther big jab from Pettis.
Pitbull goes for a single leg and Pettis defends easily. After he steps back, Pitbull goes for another takedown, but again Pettis shrugs him off. Less than two minutes left in the round and this is heading towards another round for Sergio Pettis.
Pettis is applying a little pressure here throwing out the jab. Check left hook now from Pettis. Counter right from Pitbull and he changes levels into a takedown attempt. Knee to the body by Pitbull and they break. Jumping kick from Pettis. Front kick to the face from Pettis and the round ends. 4-0 Pettis on my scorecard at Bellator 297.
Round 5
Entering the final round and Patricio Pitbull needs a miracle to win this one. Pitbull bouncing in and out to start the final frame but eats a jab from Pettis. Step in left hook from Pitbull. Pitbull is definitely starting to look more aggressive, but he’s only got four minutes to pull off a finish.
Straight left hand from Pettis. Big 1-2 lands for Pitbull but nothing landed flush. Lead left from Pitbull and now a right hand from Pitbull. He knows he needs a finish and he’s fighting like it. Three minutes left in the fight and Pitbull lands another right.
Combination from Pettis and Pitbull lands a jab. Pitbull closes the distance and both men land in tight. Halfway through the round and Pitbull is having his best round, but it’s not enough right now. Lead left from Pitbull. Combination from Pitbull.
Pettis lands a combination to get a little distance. Jab from Pettis now as he circles away from the featherweight champion. Both men trade big jabs. Lead left hand from Pitbull lands. Clean right hand from Pettis and they briefly clinch along the fence.
30 seconds left in this one. Spinning backfist from Pitbull. The fight comes to an end and the Bellator featherweight champion should take that round. However, I have it 4-1 Pettis at worst it should be 3-2 Pettis.
Sergio Pettis def. Patricio Pitbull by Unanimous Decision (49-46, 50-45, 50-45)