The MLB season was supposed to be underway by now. However, the current coronavirus pandemic has changed everybody’s plans, and professional sports leagues of nearly all countries are currently on an indefinite break as each country tries to prevent the disease from spreading even more. That’s why the New York Mets aren’t playing right now. Them, along with the other 29 teams, are currently waiting and seeing how things unfold in the next few weeks.
MLB has reportedly discussed the possibility of playing a shortened season with some games without fans. However, the players’ association wants play to resume when there are no travel restrictions and when taking the field doesn’t represent a risk to anybody involved in the game. The earliest that the season can resume is mid-May, but that is unrealistic. July is looking like a possibility.
New York Mets GM Brodie Van Wagenen, meanwhile, recently posted a message through the team’s Twitter page, supporting healthcare workers who are on the front lines battling the coronavirus pandemic.
The Mets’ GM statement:
“As we all stay home and follow the guidelines of our health officials, I just wanted to give a big thank you to the doctors, the nurses, and all of our healthcare workers for keeping us safe, for going to work, and fighting this pandemic on the front lines every day,” Van Wagenen said.
“But it’s those of you that are getting people healthy, getting people back home to their families, and putting yourselves at risk — sacrificing for the better good of our entire community. Thank you to all of you and let’s get through this together. Thanks,” he closed.
Some Mets’ players are training in their own houses, such as Marcus Stroman and his unique bullpen setting. Manager Luis Rojas said last week that he is frequently in touch with his players.
“Obviously, with what’s going on with the virus, it’s something we’ve never seen before, so we’re swimming in unfamiliar waters as far as being able to anticipate what’s going to happen in the future,” Mets manager Luis Rojas told MLB.com last week. “But as far as adjusting and adapting, like we’re all doing in our lives, I think [the baseball mentality] has helped us as a team.”