MLB: Progress is being made on a deal for the 2020 season

New York Yankees, Brett Gardner

According to reports, the MLB is beginning to work out the final details for the 2020 season. On Monday, the league will be on a conference call with representatives from all 30 teams, and the proposal could be sent to the players union as early as Tuesday. From there, a vote will decide whether the league goes forward with the plan.

From what we are hearing, the season will be about 80 games, so about half a regular season. If the league starts in early July, that will end the regular season around the same time as usual. From there, a 14 team playoff format would be adapted.

The regular season will feature three divisions; the East, Central, and West. The AL and NL teams of each division will combine to form the divisions. For example, the Yankees would be in the same division as usual but combined with the NL East. Regular season games would be against division teams only, and in as many home ballparks as possible. If the Postseason is indeed in October, home stadiums should still be feasible in terms of weather.

Also, ending the season around when it would end usually will be good in the fact that it won’t shorten the offseason and push back 2021 Opening Day more. Opening Day in 2021 will likely be pushed back anyway, with it being a World Baseball Classic year (WBC).

Something that Dr. Anthony Fauci has mentioned before is the possibility of limited attendance at games. Fans would have to space out around the ballpark to social distance, but it may be a way for teams to make some revenue and allow people to see a game.

It’s great to hear that the MLB is nearing a plan, and hopefully, it’s a plan that the players association will approve.

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