On Friday, the MLB informed the Players Association that the league will play no more than 60 games in the 2020 regular season. However, in a 60 game season, players would receive the prorated salaries that they so desired.
But, for the 60 game season to be approved, the Players Association will need to vote on it. The players are expected to vote on it on Sunday.
However, coronavirus numbers are beginning to increase again, especially down south. There were confirmed cases in multiple Florida spring training facilities, forcing the MLB to shut all training camps down to deep clean and develop a testing protocol. Hopefully, training facilities will be able to reopen soon, as the shutdown is temporary.
But, the players want to wait to vote for a few days until they reopen and see what the MLB comes up with in terms of a testing and cleaning protocol. Players won’t vote “yes” on the proposal unless they feel safe.
Right now, time is ticking and a decision needs to be made soon. Within a few days, we will be away from the possible dates to play 60 games. No matter what, the MLB wants to finish the regular season by September 27th.
Waiting much longer could lead to renegotiations again, but for an even shorter season. All the sides need to figure this all out fast, as it’s killing the sport each day that this goes on.
But, safety is the number one priority. If the players don’t feel safe about a season, then a season won’t happen.