The New York Yankees are quite a while away from setting foot in Yankee Stadium.
With the coronavirus pandemic shutting down the entirety of New York City and the globe, sports fans have been waiting idly by as the virus makes its way through communities and individual homes. The closest thing to sports we have now is the NFL draft coming up in just one week, but baseball has been considering returning Arizona without fans.
As for the New York Yankees, fans shouldn’t expect to set foot in Yankee Stadium anytime soon, Mayor Bill de Blasio told CNN. The mayor also stated that he was “not confident” that New York would open up large gatherings in June, July, or even August.
“I think it’s going to be awhile,†said de Blasio. “I think that’s one of the things later in the trajectory.â€
It could take until the fall for the stadium to be packed once more and baseball to be in full swing. Expect to watch games without fans and a dull atmosphere. Opening day was scheduled for April 2, which has passed by without the blink of an eye.
“By September, we are hopeful we could be back to something more like normal,†de Blasio said on “Fox and Friends.â€
The good news is that football will be operational if September seems to be the return of normalcy, but baseball could be in trouble. It’s possible the entire season could be lost amid the continuation of the virus, and even starting up again without fans is problematic.
While the Arizona heat would kill the virus on any surfaces, elderly managers and assistants would be at risk with a-symptomatic players on the field. Hopefully, significant progress is experienced in the coming weeks, as a decline in deaths has already started to emerge from New York.